Saturday 8 December 2012

Sleeping Beauty Panto @ Darlington Civic

Is it really legal to have this much fun ?

Pantos are all about fun, good ol' fashioned, silly and daft fun, and this one is one of the very best I've seen, ever.  The production is top notch with a fab choice of music, great dance routines, wonderful costumes and a superb fantasy set.  The cast clearly enjoy what they are doing and revel in the freedom that Panto gives them - so what if they get a fit of the giggles, we were all in howls of laughter anyway and even more so when it's obvious that they are enjoying it just as much. 

The knowing winks to the adult members of the audience let us know that we're all here for the fun and that's what makes it so engaging, so inclusive.  The kids, of course, love the staple fayre of "He's behind you", "Oh yes you are" and booing the villain, while us 'grown ups' are given double entendres,  music hall jokes and, for the dads, plenty of the gorgeous Ms Lusardi playing a deliciously evil fairy that prompts a flashbacks to my early teenage years.  (Don't worry girls, I have it on good authority that Will Tudor as Prince William is great eye candy for you). Added into this maelstrom of merriment is Philip Hitchcock as King Stephan - a very, very accomplished magician who wow'ed us all with some stunning illusions.

Zoe Birkett as the titular Princess lives up perfectly to her character's name, Philip Meeks as Nurse Dolly is outrageously camp and butch at the same time while Sam Kane as Oddjob, and Andy Jones as Muddles provide the madcap double act which at times made it hard to keep breathing through all the laughter.

Leave your inhibitions at the door, tightly wrap up your ribs so they don't burst and make sure you've been to the toilet before the show begins, you don't want any involuntary accidents happening (especially during the "12 days of Christmas")

There's no better way to start your Christmas season and if everything else is as fun & happy as this show then we're all in for the best Christmas ever.

Sleeping Beauty is on at Darlington Civic until Sun 20th Jan with most days having 2 shows - tickets from the box office.

Finally - a big thank you to the staff at Darlington Civic - this wonderful theatre is a crowning jewel in the North East arts & culture landscape and it is down to the staff who create such a unique theatre-going experience that it is loved and treasured.

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