Monday 3 August 2020

Twenties by Charlotte Anne-Tilley on YouTube

Twenties - a familiar story?

In the absence of indoor live theatre we are looking for other creatives to review and share

Today's offering is a YouTube video part of the Command Fringe Festival

The play, performed as a series of talking heads direct to camera (and filmed creatively in lockdown) follows the story of Hope, a young girl who takes her first steps into adulthood by moving from her hometown in Cheshire down to the bright lights and glamorous attractions of London.  Initially written by Charlotte Anne-Tilley as a one person show for the Edinburgh Fringe, this has creatively been adapted to a full cast production.

Initially full of optimism and excitement of finally becoming independent, she soon realises that the neurotic ramblings of her overprotective mum were actually warnings she perhaps should have heeded.

Securing her first job, living in the cosmopolitan world and being free to make her own choices begin to lose their lustre when she has to face up to the fact that not all people are good, honest and compassionate.    Things take a marked turn for the worst when she has to deal with sexual harassment in the workplace and the fallout of unwanted advances from her boss.

A great play which at this time of year, when many young adults are getting ready to leave home for university, rings some all to familiar bells.


Hope - Charlotte Anne-Tilley
Mum - Jessica Jane Parsons
Daz/Dad - Harry McMullen
Beth/Jenna - Zoe Birkbeck
Jess - Fiona Townsley

Written by Charlotte Anne-Tilley

Directed by Kaye Somerton

Watch it now -