Monday 26 July 2021

It's Coming Home - Rumours of Fleetwood Mac at Darlington Hippodrome


It feels like a lifetime since we welcomed a tour to live theatre, and in the current climate of looking back with fond memories, it is fitting that one of the 1st to grace the Hippodrome is one of the most popular.

Rumours of Fleetwood Mac is THE worlds most official tribute to Fleetwood Mac - even the maestro Mick Fleetwood himself endorses the show as "an extraordinary performance of Fleetwood Mac".  They have played to almost 1 MILLION fans across the world and guarantee a fabulous evening of songs, music, dancing and memories.

Now touring again after the enforced break, this is a perfect opportunity to refamiliarise yourself with just how much fun can be had on a night out.

Encompassing nearly five decades of legendary music and channeling the spirit of Fleetwood Mac at their very best, Rumours of Fleetwood Mac offer a unique opportunity for fans, both old and new, to rediscover the songs and performances that have ensured Fleetwood Mac’s place as one of the most loved bands of all time.

Anyone who loves music from the past 40 years will have no doubt enjoyed at least a handful of Fleetwood Mac’s songs; from their first hit Albatross right through to the 80’s smashes Big Love and Little Lies. Likewise their albums have always managed to deliver on every occasion but the history books will show that it was their eponymous ‘Rumours’ album that does, and will continue to, stand the test of time as a true classic.  The songs are masterpieces in their own right but when the story surrounding the band (the in-fighting, love triangles and months of silence) are added there is more than a frisson of extra edge and pathos to the words.

Hits include Tusk, Everywhere, Little Lies, The Chain, Don't Stop, Rhiannon, Gypsy and a special Blues set of the Peter Green era.

Check out the link below for tickets to the tour - the Darlington Hippodrome stop is on Tuesday 7th September - tickets via the Hippodrome website or by calling the box office on 01325 405 405.