Tuesday 8 December 2015

Cinderella Panto @ Darlington Civic

Panto season again at the Civic means madcap fun, classic entertainment and the chance to watch one of the funniest men on the stage.  This year’s offering of Cinderella dishes up the treats like a festive selection box – you know what to expect, you know you like ‘em all and too much might just leave you feeling a little queasy (from laughing so much)

The script for panto Cinders is pretty stable fayre; the story, the jokes and the finale are all time honored and rarely does a production dare to stray.  How they can introduce some uniqueness and originality is through the star casting, the musical numbers, the use of current tech and usually with some good old fashioned slapstick – to this end Darlington’s’ festive fun stands strong on its own.

Playing the title role is the beautiful Ashleigh Butler, a young lady who deserves top billing on her own but who is always shadowed by her furry friend Pudsey.  Make no bones about it, Ashleigh can sing, dance and act as good as any other Cinders but it is the little canine companion who draws the ‘aws’ every time he appears and never seemed fazed by the noise, the laughter and the occasional faux pas from the two legged cast members.

Playing opposite Ashleigh is Matt Edwards as Buttons – her love-struck bff who is so desperately in love with her that he will even help Prince Charming find her despite knowing that when he does they will surely marry.  How to sum up Matt Edwards ?  The best accolade I can give is that if they ever wanted to remake the fabulous and famous Norman Wisdom movies then Matt is without a doubt the best person to play the perpetual underdog; his timing is impeccable, his style and mannerisms uncannily like Sir Norman and his ability to disarm any situation and return it to its funniest core is worthy of a show all of his own.  He is adept at party magic, can throw his voice and has the athletic poise to deliver plenty of pratfalls (even when he doesn’t mean to).  His scene in the forest where he attempts to intervene between Prince Charming and Cinders is delivered with the same impact, tearful laughter and gasping for breath worthy of the best silent movie comics, whilst his leading of a total slapstick rendition of “12 days of Christmas” should be shown on TV every day in December as a remedy for pre-Christmas stress. 

The usual panto stalwarts and objects of derision, the ugly step sisters, are played by regional favorites Danny Potts and Phil Corbitt whose personalities are only beaten for size by their dresses and hairdos.  Danny & Phil have built a great repartee and are obviously very comfortable with their return to the Civic; indeed some of the jokes weren’t so much close to the knuckle as being right down to the bone but it certainly gave the adults a little extra to giggle at.

This year’s standout moment is the rather ingenious and unique way in which Cinders makes her way to the ball; I won’t spoil the surprise suffice it to say that those with an appreciation of Greek mythology will find it mesmerising.

The only disappointment of the evening was the introduction of Dooby Duck and gang as a mid-show interlude.  Sadly, the prospect of a load of animal based marionettes playing to a rather convoluted soundtrack of stereotypical pop music completely killed any momentum which the preceding merriment had built and left the majority of the younger audience sat in baffled silence while the adults started to fidget nervously, daring themselves to maybe check their phones for a quick football update or a status refresh on Facebook.   This show wasn’t that good when it was new (in the 60’s/70’s) but today, in the age of hi-tech 3d graphics, shadow imaging and computer generated projections it just can’t connect to the audience.  Happily tho, it is soon back to the bright lights and zany laughter as we rush headlong towards the grand finale and the chance to marvel at the choreography and wonderful dancing of the Joanne Banks Dancers.

So, as always, if you want a fabulous evening packed with laughter that is guaranteed to start your run to Christmas in the best way possible then get yourself to the Civic, plonk yourself down, strap up your ribs tight and enjoy Matt, Ashleigh, Danny, Phil and of course, Pudsey.  You’ll love it, oh yes you will.