Friday 16 March 2012

The Burlesque Show @ Darlington Civic

Wow - what a night, how can I have missed out on this for so long?

Last year I was very lucky to go and see DrumChasers and those who read the review will remember I thought I had seen something very unique and special.  Well last night I went to Darlington Civic and, whilst the show I saw was not a new idea, it was my first time at a Burlesque evening and it was amazing.  I apologise now to any aficionados of burlesque if I descend into the naive & virginal ramblings of a 'newbie' but I loved this show from the very first minute to the extended encores.

For those who may not be familiar with Burlesque, think of a heady (and hedonistic) mix of Vegas, end of the pier, music hall and cabaret with a sprinkling of bizarre and a copious dash of naughtiness.  The show we saw last night, hosted by the utterly devine Miss Lili la Scala, gave everything you could ever want for a evening of pure escapism. Miss Lili was the perfect compere for a first timer like me; she was gentle, funny, welcoming and endearing yet all with a wicked glint in her eye suggesting that we were in for some fun.

I won't spoil the show by recounting each act in detail, but I will say that each one was fresh, funny and so obviously having fun themselves that the audience couldn't help but join in. 
Before last night I believed that Burlesque was all about sequins, stiptease and tassels - there is certainly plenty of that, but it's done not in a "Carry On" "oo-er" snigger-behind-your-hand-way; it is very artistic, clearly talented and quite 'grown up'.  Added to this was a cornucopia of variety.  There was the visual humour of Elan Kosuk (and a brilliant routine with a suitcase), the jaw-dropping and completely bonkers (in a good way, especially for Trekkies) Fancy Chance; Mr B, the Gentleman Rhymer (complete with his Banjolele Chap-Hop), and one of the best impersonators seen in Darlington for many a year (I can't say who he covered as it would ruin one of the show's gasp out loud moments).  

We were treated to the sultry, honey coated jazz of Miss Coco Malone, a cross between Dinah Washington and Ella Fitzgerald who fixed the audience in their seats as they hung on every note, and then, completing this already bulging talent line up was Flixx Demontrant and a trip into his surreal circus of the mind; slightly scary, slightly weird and completely compulsive viewing.

And back to the dancers - Elle Amour and Mia Merode.  For anyone who has been forced to go to the ballet and sat thinking, this is okay but it would be great if they could just 'sex it up' a bit, Ms Amour is all that and some ! Her choreography would not be out of place amongst Swan Lake, the Nutcracker or Sleeping Beauty but where they stop she starts, treating the audience to a full appreciation of the female form as she pirouettes, plies and piques. Of course, I wouldn't suggest that the audience are aficionados of ballet, but we certainly appreciate the loveliness of a half naked dancer.

Now I have a confession, last night I lost my heart to Mia Merode - if ever there was a
contender for the modern day Marilyn Monroe then it must be Mia - face of an angel hiding a devilish smile and a body that men would kill for - I have to be careful because Mrs B was with me last night but in the words of Mel Brooks "Wa wa woowoo wa wa !".  If Mia was a cartoon she would rival Jessica Rabbit & Betty Boop combined. Ms Merode is no slouch in the dancing either, she spent almost a whole routine on her points for her foray into ballet and then gave the best reason possible for re-introducing peacock farming for their feathers......  Sorry, must pause & compose myself.

I have to admit, as my first time at a Burlesque show I went with little expectation and a very open mind and was completely bowled over - but like the first time for many other things(!), will anything now be able to really compete with this or have I already had the best - only repeated viewings will tell !

For the perfect adult night out with friends I can recommend nothing better.   Check out the ministry of burlesque website for more details of their shows.

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